Sunday, December 07, 2008

Ode To Those I Love, Part IV

Today is my sisters 40th birthday. She was born on December 7th, 1968 in Altadena, CA. She was the first grandchild and the perfect baby. Not to mention beautiful with those big blue eyes and long dark eyelashes. She was given the name Tammy Marie by my parents. She doesn’t like her first name, and I have to agree, by itself, it’s rather 60’s-ish. But to my ears, hearing her called Tammy Marie has always been pretty. As a little one, I was never able to say Tammy, so she became Sissy and the name stuck. As recently as a week ago, I referred to her as Tammy and was reprimanded. To me she will forever be Sissy. Like the Baldwin Sisters from Walton’s Mountain. Two old women, calling each other by their childhood nicknames.

She spent the first 4 years, 3 months & 16 days of her life on her own. Then I came into the world and she became so much more than just a big sister. I was her baby. It is because of her that my name isn’t Bridgette or something equally dated to the early 70’s. She choose to give me her middle name because she wanted us to share it. From the day I was born, I was her biggest fan and she was my everything.

We spent the first part of lives as one word, TammyAndMichelle or TheGirls. We were frequently dressed alike in handmade dresses or blouses. It wasn’t unusual for our hair to be cut the same either. We were usually given the same gifts and always a matching set of Barbies. I suppose the idea was to eliminate arguing. I don’t recall fighting with each other when we were very little, but once she entered middle school & high school, there was a lot of bickering. Not ones to stay mad at each other, it never took long for us to be friends again. As adults we are individuals but still as close as sisters can be. We no longer intentially dress alike or have the same hair style. Now when we bicker it's usually only Minnie Mouse tones and followed by quite a bit of laughter. We are still at times given the same gift by our grandparents. Some things never change.

I cannot adequately relate my love of her here. Words seem meaningless. I’m grateful she understands my heart and how much I do love her. She has been my greatest defender, my best friend, my biggest adversary, my parent, my sister. If God gave me the choice I would still pick her as my sister. She is beautiful and kind. Intelligent and funny. When I’m having a bad day, a phone call from her can pick me up. She lives several hundred miles away yet still, my Lovey loves her like another mom. She amazes me. She is an incredible mother. Her children never doubt that they are truly loved. She makes time for each one every day. Whether its five minutes or several hours, they all get a moment when they are the only thing she focuses on. I know she doubts this, but I see it. This sister of mine manages to raise her children, home school them, run a business, help her husband with running his business, helps our grandparents with their needs, lends a hand to anyone in need, all at the same time. Only occasionally do I see all of this affect her. She keeps it together and keeps all at peace. She lives a life full of grace and remembers each day to praise God for it all.

When I was little, maybe 4 or 5, Sissy would read Winnie The Pooh to me. It is because of this that one will always remind me of the other. Pooh said something to Christopher Robin once that sums up perfectly what I’ve been trying to say: “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”

I love you my sweet Sissy. Happy Birthday!

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