Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Long Distance Phone Calls & Rambling Converstaions.

You know those Master Card commercials? The ones where they show a scene, name a price and so on and so on until they end with "Priceless"? Well that about sums up most of my conversations with my sister.

Our long distance bill is, needless to say, high. I do not have a single person in my immediate family that lives in the same state. Not one. Even my husbands family, save one sister, all live out of the area. But who cares! I have to talk to my sister.

Tonight was one of those calls full of everything and nothing. In 20 short minutes we squeezed in complete nutty-ness, serious talk about my nephews and their special needs, not to mention my sons. We discussed the beauty of her children and the rapid growing up of mine. We talked about dinner. Several times.

You see, when calling my sisters house, it is impossible to have a simple, uninterrupted conversation. There is always one little one or another asking a question, doing something cute, or getting in trouble. There have been countless conversations, serious ones, interrupted mid sentence, mid word with "Mr Magoo Middle Name Last Name I said NO!" "Monkey get down from there!" "Missie not now I'm on the phone with Tantie!" "Have an M&M/Donut/Cookie/Granola bar".

This is not a complaint. I love these moments. They make me feel like I'm there. There are times when she's talking away to me and I'm just listening to the little voices in the background. And those moments when one of them wants to talk to me? Well, I just melt right through the phone.

Tonight was one of the typical nights. The differences in our lifestyles was quite evident. She in the midst of making dinner for 3 hungry sprites. Me, just getting home from a long day in the cubicle and rushing to get ready to start my 2nd job. With all of the distractions she must have asked me 3 times what I was making for dinner after we had a somewhat funny discussion about what I was making already. Finally I make a joke about it and what came out of her was "Ahhh Sooo". That did it. I laughed so I hard I ended up drooling. Gross I know, but really I was over-multi tasking and something had to let loose. I had the small cordless phone (the size of a cell phone-what was I thinking when I bought that thing!) crooked between my shoulder and ear slipping with each small movement, talking away, putting my way too long hair into a pony tail, taking off my long pants worn to work, digging through the clean laundry looking for a clean pair of shorts because as I mentioned yesterday the Santa Ana's are here making for a very warm evening and my son has shut all of the windows in the house because he is somehow, impossibly cold, and finally pulling them on, then pulling them up because they are old an too big, but perfect. Now I'm sweating too because I'm hot and trying to balance too many things (not to mention putting together the longest run on sentence EVER). Like I said, something had to give. Finally I said "Someday we are going to have a nice civilized conversation on the phone, just you and me". No one between the ages of 12 & 3 would be allowed to speak, look at or be in the same room. No men between 38 (I think that's how old G is) and 44 either. Just me and my lovely sister. Having a polite conversation. But really, what fun would that be. Not much.

So we get into a conversation about a person we know (okay..kim..you) and she's telling me about some similarities they share. Then we get into personalities and how I'm emotional. Not necessarily in a bad way. I've come a long way in the last few years. They're just easily accessible. Like while watching Greys Anatomy the other night. I have seen Season 2. I know how it ends. I have it on DVD. I know how it ends. I've seen the ending more than 4 or 5 times. I KNOW how it ends. But every time, never fails. I cry. No, not cry. I weep! So while watching the season premier the other night, every time Izzie appears I start again. Can't control it. Just keep crying. Then getting irritated with my self because I'm crying and can't see what's happening. It's the same thing while on the phone with Idaho. I can jump between laughing so hard the before mentioned drooling incident happens, then I'm stressed & worried about something happening or not happening there. Then laughing again because she asked me AGAIN what I was making for dinner. Ahhh Sooo.

What am I going to make for dinner anyway?


tam said...


Cause Lovey Boy wanted both kinds breakfast and dinner ones just so he could pick the breakfast ones

Did I remember!!! Or did I remember????

AhhhhhSoooooo (must be said like the old-fashioned movies when they imitated asian people...no offense to people of asian descent...it was just a funny moment between sisters!)

tam said...

oh my...I laughed and cried and laughed allllllll the way through that

kpjara said...

I LOVE breakfast burritos and actually made them LAST NIGHT for my darling husband to take to school on his 'early day'.

I laughed laughed laughed laughed as i pictured you trying to balance small size phone (why do they make those that small anyway)...I am coming closer and closer to just getting a headset! Then getting changed...hopping around trying to get situated and all of it!

I totally do the AhhhSooooo too! I thought I was the only freak. But then I alternate between speaking british to french to german to spanish to indian to asian to whatever I feel like speaking at that moment, currently it's usually Queen's English.

With regards to the 'emotions', uh yeah, well obviously from the past few posts I've had...I struggle immensely in that area. I didn't USED to consider it a weakness, but then a dear friend here told me in answering one fo those questionnaires about me (why do we do those to ourselves anyway?)...that my biggest weakness was that my emotions sometimes got control of me. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me! Emotions are GOOD!!!! It means i'm ALIVE! Okay...I understand...I take it a bit over the top..and that is the beauty that is Kim...the arteest.

I am so happy to see multiple posts this month. Yeah Miche!

kpjara said...

I'll try not to be such a comment hog...perhaps we should do a conference call;D then I could get all my words out at once?

kpjara said...

How is it I will become an author when my grammar and spelling are so out of control? ANyone know a good editor?

Miche said...

Kim..Conference call..Great idea! Queens english..do it ALL the time. German accent too. Drives Lovey crazy.

Why is is when I AhhhhSoooo I think of the guy, can't remember his name, that worked on the Ponderosa Ranch on Bonanza?

kpjara said...

Was his name Hop Sing? Was it James Hong? No I'm not gifted in names...I googled him...I don't remember seeing the show (much) but I do recall a little (by little I mean vertically challenged...of course) Asian dude who worked in the kitchen.

My 16 y.o. niece gets all giggly and embarrassed when I start speaking with my accents...then she tries to do it too! My nephew just says in his "disgusted" tone: "Aunt KIIIImmm" (in a perfectly southern accent).

So let me know when we're scheduling our "Conference Call." I'm so excited!

kpjara said...

Definition of irritation: When Blogger not only makes me enter my st*#%$)*&$#%^ word verification 3 times to enter my comment but then makes me RE-ENTER this subsequent complaint comment as it 'errors out'!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this is my 2nd attempt at it:

wiwpcysw is my wits end in case anyone asks at the funeral, k?

tam said...

I had a word verification yesterday that was "asooo"!!!!