Friday, April 07, 2006

Things I really like

I've decided we all need a little more "positivity" in our lives. There is so much negative out there that we need to spread the good, the happy thoughts, the silly things that make us happy. So here are mine. Maybe they'll make you smile too

An ice cold Coke, highly carbonated.
A hot peppermint mocha from Starbucks on a cold day
The smell of wet pavement on a hot day
How cold the sand can be just 6 inches below the blazing hot top layer
The smell of my grandmothers house when she's making boiled dinner
(I used to really hate this smell. It involves cabbage and ham, but now, really really like it. It's a warm and salty smell...yum)
The smell of a freshly watered lawn
Big drops on fast roller coasters
A hug from my boy
When my husband calls me in the middle of the day just to say hi
Making my grandfather laugh
The smell of rain
Catching "tickle bugs" with my boy, niece & nephews
Spending time with my Sister who lives too far away
Disappearing into a really good book
The color blue
Knudsen Light Cottage cheese, Lays Potato Chips & Van D'Kamps Baked Beans. Trust me. No redeeming qualities, but oh so good.
My grandma's Blueberry cake
My niece and nephews...I am so amazingly lucky that they love me as much as they do!
My boy
Playing board games
Kimo Sabe the Flying Monster Kitty. He's no longer with us, but I still love him
That my cat, Lexi, talks to me. I'm crazy. I know.
Really laughing at a good movie
The devotion of a dog.(Jack...While he may live with my sister and her family, and they may be the ones feeding him, taking him to the vet, and dealing with him on a daily basis, he is my dog. He loves me. I love him. It's just a matter of time before I steal him away)
A good "singing" song
Irish blessings
Homemade peach ice cream
The funny papers (Get Fuzzy, For Better For Worse & Baby Blues)
The giant sequoias in Northern California
San Diego
The sound of an automatic car backing up
A good hair day
An Oklahoma sunset out on the lake
The light that goes on in my child's eye when I've taught him something.

Oh my, this list could go on forever. I'll stop now. Possibly will continue later.
I've leave you with these words..

"May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past."
(Just realized that kpjara did the same thing not too long ago...Not copying from you...I promise! You, as always, inspired me so. I didn't even realize it until I was done. I apologize in advance )


tam said...

I've discovered dear sister that copying is not necessarily an offense here.

In fact you could "tag" others to do the same thing you did.

You're not implying me being negative with you right? I distinctly remember laughing almost to tears with you tonight!

Miche said...

oh my gosh no. i think i was just in such a good mood after talking to you that I had in mind all those things I love. Althought I did forget to mention granola. But see...I did say I like talking to you on the phone!

kpjara said...

I wish EVERYONE in the whole blogdom (or at least the one's I read) would do this...the 50 or more favorite things...list. Not only does it perk us all up, but it also feels good to do it.

BTW I love the smell of rain on pavement when it's a stifling hot summer day and sunshowers amaze me too! But sunsets...hands down nothing like the colorful sunset in NM or a sunset on a beach!