Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Where have I been? How did I say away a month. It's not as if I haven't had anything to say.

So my big sister tagged EVERYONE with two meme's in two days. The nerve! Since I'll be with her tomorrow night at about this time, best to answer (respond, continue? What is the right word) right away. She is bossy after all.

What is your favorite word? Serendipity. The way it sounds..What it means. The word.

What is your least favorite word? Belch. The way it sounds. Both the word and the thing itself. Even the way it looks is bad.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?Creatively: Other amazingly talented people. A really good book or poem makes me want to write. A beautiful piece of art makes me want create the same beauty. Spiritually: Sun light filtered through clouds. That, to me, is evidence of God. Emotionally: Lol..what doesn't. I'm pretty emotional. I can cry or laugh at just about everything. As my grandma says..What you see is what you get. I cannot, try as I might, hide my emotions. I wear them on my sleeve.

What turns you off? Rudeness. Impatience. Intolerance. Cruelty.

What is your favorite curse word? Alright, now that my sister had made me wound like a potty mouth...which I'm not. I rarely swear..I have to set the record straight. The most I usually say is DAMN, in that under the breath, shocked or frustrated way. Usually at myself. However, when really frustrated with someone, I have been known to use the word DUMBA**. Mostly because the word itself makes me giggle. And who doesn't need a laugh in the middle of being frustrated?

What sound or noise do you love? The children in my life giggling. Not laughing, that's different, giggling. Rain. The ocean.

What sound or noise do you hate? A nose whistling. Especially if it's me.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Writer, artist, teacher

What profession would you not like to do? Anything involving bodily fluids.

What would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome home.

That's it. Now you are all tagged. :)


tam said...

Yeaaaaa! 2 posts in 1 day whoo hoo!

You cracked me up in this! Oh the dislike word is a good one to dislike, ewwww

I didn't make you sound like a potty mouth...but you did claify better!

Nose whistling comment is very funny!

I'm no longer bossy...that was a CHILDhood thing....

kpjara said...

So...does that "no bodily fluids" thing mean your writing cannot have stories that have bodily fluids in it? Just curious...

Miche said...

GROSS! Writing about bodily fluids would be just as yucky (yes I said yucky) as dealing with most of them. Although I guess crying would be okay. Not so bad to work with tears, maybe. Very funny thought though.

kpjara said...

I think we should challenge all of this BL** world to the most creative bodily fluid story challenge! Whatcha say?