Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My stalker

I'm being stalked.

Everywhere I go.

Everywhere I turn, my stalker is there.

In the kitchen.

In my bedroom.

Even in my bathroom.

I can't get a moments peace.

If I'm crocheting, it's really bad.

When I'm cooking it's unbearable.

No matter where I look .....

This is what I see.....


tam said...

THIS was totally hilarious...totally, totally fuNNY!

Gordon has to read this later...the kids are going to crack up even!

Miche said...

Glad to have shared a laugh.

kpjara said...

He loves you!

I have been tripped by a few of these little 'stalkers'...keep your eyes peeled...they want to topple you and then lick your face with their sandpaper tongue!