Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cupcake Rationalization

hostess cupcake ttv
Originally uploaded by lifelovepaper
I was on the phone with my sister last night. At one point she started to give me a really hard time (big sister type of hard time) for eating a Twix bar. A Halloween sized Twix bar. She remembers me saying that I don’t like cheap chocolate. Really, I don’t. It’s kind of waxy and very sugary. BUT-who can resist Halloween sized chocolate? Not me. So anyway, later in the conversation I hear the sound of plastic and ask what she’s doing. What does she say but, “Eating a Hostess Cupcake.” Eating a Hostess Cupcake. Uh-huh. That’s better than eating a Halloween snack size Twix bar. I say this exact thing to her. She, my big sister, a grown woman who home schools her children, runs a business and a household, justifies it by saying “It’s not a real cupcake, it’s mostly air”.

(Pausing while you read that again-go ahead I’ll wait while you stop laughing & catch your breath.)

My only question is….does it say that on the nutritional information label?


kpjara said...


I'm so going to use that 'it's mostly air' next time I eat anything cake like!

Myself, I've been eating a couple of those tiny-teensy milk dud Halloweek size things...so yummy!

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA!!!! finally you get your sister back! (by the way this is from your sisters daughter!)of course my mother cauht me reading this and says, wait.....She's not suppost to post that!! LOL! talk to you latter tantie

tam said...

OH! My! WoRD!!!

did not know you BLOGGED this!!!! I was in full need of the considerate pause you included in your remarks as I WAS laughing so hard that I was nearly crying....from

EMBARRASSMENT and our hilarious conversations....

p.s. i personally have never claimed an intolerance for "cheap cholocate!"